The works of the highly experienced and famous chymist

John Rudolph Glauber

The Art of Chymistry, (_Honoured Sir_) although in its Speculationsmost Noble and Delectable to a Philosophick Mind, and in its Practice highly Inservient, and Beneficial to Mankind; yet hath it not escaped the Obloquies, and false Imputations of Detractors, and Calumniators, who either through Ignorance, Idleness, or Envy (or all of them conjoin’d) have made a false Representation of this most Noble Art to the World, and endeavoured to set Mankind at the greatest distance from that which is its highest interest to court. For which cause, such Writings as Promulge, and offer at the advancing of the _Chymical Art_, stand in need of such a Patron as is able to defend them against all the Cavils of Pride, Envy, and Ignorance. And if the Exquisite Parts, and Profound Learning in the more Abstruse Philosophy, together with a Long, and Indefatigable Scrutiny and Labour in the Chymical Art, accompanied with a happy Practice in the Honourable Faculty of Physick, be fit Accomplishments to Entitle one a =Mecænas= of this Art; then are those Excellencies all met and Concentred in your self, as is evident to the whole World by your Curious and Learned Epistle to =Mundanus=, and his Answer to it, which answer will be a Lasting Testimony of your great Worth and Merit. For certainly, Sir, it is no small evidence of your Worth and Abilities in the _Pyrotechnick Art_, that a Philosopher who had been more than forty years an _Adept_, in all that time should not find three Persons, besides ...
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John Rudolph Glauber
John Rudolph Glauber
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

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